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  • Northeast Harbor
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
246Fleet Sailing School Photos, 1988
  • Image, Photograph
  • Events, Yacht Racing
  • Organizations, Social, Sailing Club
  • 1988
digital copies of four photographs taken at the Northeast Harbor Fleet in the summer of 1988. 2023.011.001 - Graham Schelter and a group of sailing school students on the Northeast Harbor Fleet Dock. The girl standing with the pink shirt is Margaret Norris, and the girl with the pink Alice band is Mairsie Webster. The girl seated on the dock, wearing a blue shirt is Eliza ___________. 2023.011.002 - Instructors Julie Thompson and Tom Kennedy with a group of students on the Fleet Dock. Students are: lower left, unknown; above lover left, Mairsie Webster; to the left of Julie Thompson, Augusta Lorber; upper right, Sasha ______; lower right, Georgia Godfrey; bottom middle, Eliza ______. 2023.011.003 - Mairsie Webster wearing the pink Alice band and Eliza _______, with the blue sleeves. 2023.011.004 - Sailing School Roll Call in the Fleet House. Individuals in this photo include: far left, Sailing Master Eric Champlin. Left to right from Eric: white mock turtle neck: (unknown), blue Alice band: Sasha ______, pink Alice band: Mairsie Webster, Sailing instructor John Hutchins, blond boy in a yellow lifejacket: Drew Heckman, Sailing instructor Gretchen Kelly, girl with brown hair and blue top: Morgan ________, girl in red shirt, jeans, and a yellow lifejacket: Brooke Harris, yellow/orange Omega life jacket: Georgia Godfrey, others unknown. [show more]
8Architectural Drawing, Interior of Fleet House
  • Image, Photograph
  • Places, Yacht Club
  • GRISWOLD - Roger Griswold
  • 1945 c.
Photographic copy of architectural drawing showing the main room of the Fleet House. Drawing shows a large fireplace with a sofa and chairs around it, and an area to the left with a table. Drawing is signed by R. Griswold in the lower right.